
Don’t Be Too Late: 90 Days Left To Stop Value Erosion In Deals

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We hope that you’ve started to work on what we framed in our last Blog; 5 Quick Tips To Identify Your Value Gaps In Your Contracts?

You may have discovered, as with many peers, that a significant portion of your Contract Portfolio starts and ends at year-end; resulting in a limited window to take action and turn the value erosion for another year?

Amazing to see that most of the businesses agree contracts at year-end, putting a significant value at risk and giving additional stress in the commercial decision making at year-end. Are you recognising this?

How to stop the cycle of ‘always being too late by year-end’? Here are the 5 simple tips and steps to stop value erosion in time;

  1. Take action on our Free Quick Tips of our last Blog
  2. Time is of the Essence, so take a Top 5% if you can’t manage the 20% of contract portfolio
  3. Be focused on the notice trigger and period
  4. Diversify your new end date or termination date across the complete portfolio with a good spread over the year
  5. For contract out of proportion in value, diversify the portions within the contract

Don’t waste time and money and take this simple action. Let me know what worked well and or have something to add. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, if you need some help or guidance.